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This past week, we've been hearing good sentences and reading good stories from different sources, but these two things are accidentally connected in a positive way, so we'd like to share them to be inspired.

The first was that a huge shipping boat broke down and no one could fix it. The owner lost the opportunity to make a profit from this ship for millions per day until someone suggested a good engineer fix the boat. When this engineer arrived, he carefully examined the boat's engine, and when it was finished, he took out a wrench and screwed one bolt, allowing the boat to work and generate income for the boat owner again. After that, Engineer sent an invoice to charge the service fee of 1 million. (You can put your preference currency because this story is written) The owner of the boat was shocked because he didn't see the engineer doing anything except screwing one bolt. Then the owner asked the engineer to explain the fixing details. Engineers then reply nicely with the following detail:

The cost of screwing 1 bolt is 1,000.

The cost of knowing which bolts to screw and how to screw it 999,000.

Even though this story is written not based on a true story, the essence of it is impressive.

The second story is a short sentence heard from our customer who attended all online courses from Canada. She was the first person to complete the online training from 0-100 and passed the criteria to get a certificate from us. BT.Professional online bag spa training (Brown box), BT.Professional Bag Recoloring Training and BT.Electroplating She likes to learn what's her interests. Her attitude was very interesting, she said. "THE MORE YOUR LEARN, THE MORE YOU EARN" She thought that the money she had invested in her studies would be able to get all of it back in a very short time and the knowledge gained could be greatly expanded. I am also one of those people who like to invest in knowledge. Both of these things very impressed me. Many people are hesitant to invest in learning or buying a book but for me, I think this is an amazing thing, the course or the books are like a shortcut, yesterday you might know nothing but today after class you know a lot because the course or the books, knowledge are arrange tidily easily for you to digest.

Like our bag spa business, sometimes the job is not difficult. Sometimes it's very simple, but the point is that before you know and be able to choose the right method or the right chemical to tackle each problem, it's something you've invested in learning and experimenting on. Is this true?

Be proud of yourself!

